Success Stories

Document Locator Success Stories

Explore how companies across various industries have transformed their document control processes with Document Locator. From improving compliance to streamlining workflows and ensuring audit readiness, each success story highlights real-world solutions to document control challenges. Discover how Document Locator has helped businesses achieve efficiency, accuracy, and peace of mind in managing their critical documents.

A high-precision aerospace manufacturer faced challenges with managing their extensive technical documentation and quality control procedures. They needed a solution that would help them track revisions, approvals, and ensure regulatory compliance for their products, which are used in critical systems. After evaluating several options, they implemented Document Locator to streamline their workflows, ensuring that all documents are stored securely and could be easily retrieved during audits. This allowed them to improve efficiency, maintain strict quality standards, and comply with industry regulations.

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A manufacturer of commercial equipment transitioned sales models, driving significant growth and a shift to remote work for many employees. To manage 74 years of paper records, the HR and IT teams sought a more efficient system for organizing documents electronically and enabling remote access.

Despite having already scanned files and building a folder structure, they faced issues with inconsistent naming, lack of searchability, and time-consuming manual processes. By implementing Document Locator, the company streamlined HR record-keeping, automated file organization, and reduced administrative overhead, improving efficiency and compliance.

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A supplier of chemicals for the semiconductor industry sought a more efficient way to manage their production and safety documents. Their existing document control system was inefficient, offering a poor user experience and limited support. Version control was difficult, and users struggled with an ineffective search function and a cumbersome web interface.

They chose Document Locator to improve file versioning, streamline workflows, and enhance access for both managers and users. With around 5,000 files, including SOPs and ISO safety documents, the company needed a system that could better serve their Environmental Health and Safety and Quality departments. By implementing Document Locator, they improved document control and accessibility across their facilities.

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A provider of high-performance products for biopharmaceutical applications faced challenges with their paper-based system, particularly in managing Job Travelers. Errors and omissions in this process, critical for traceability in their ISO-certified operations, were leading to missing or misfiled documents.

They needed a system accessible in both office and shop environments, using various devices including tablets for accessing work instructions and specifications. The company prioritized streamlining their Quality program by implementing eForms for Job Travelers, reducing errors, and ensuring proper version control. By integrating Document Locator with eForms, they improved traceability and efficiency across their operations.

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A manufacturer specializing in high-performance automative systems needed a better way to manage document control and ensure quality standards. With strict certification requirements in place, the company faced challenges in preventing unapproved documents from bypassing necessary workflows, risking non-compliance. Their current system had led to instances where unapproved revisions made their way to the manufacturing floor, which posed a threat to their certifications and business relationships.

The quality team was searching for a solution that could enforce tighter control over document revisions, ensuring that approved versions were used in production. They required a system that could manage workflows, notify users of changes, and allow previous versions to remain accessible until new revisions were fully approved. With different groups of users across departments, including IT, quality, and engineering, they needed a solution that would serve everyone while maintaining strict compliance protocols.

After evaluating several options, they chose Document Locator because it offers robust version control, workflow automation, and role-based access. This helps them streamline their quality processes, reduce errors, and maintain compliance with industry certifications, ensuring that only the most current and approved documents are used in production.

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A biopharmaceutical company was facing challenges in managing their Trial Master File (TMF) and corporate records. Initially, they were relying on a paper-based system, making it difficult to track and organize critical documents. The company decided on Document Locator to provide a centralized system to organize corporate records. Document Locator provides them with version control, audit trails, reporting, and workflow to streamline operations and support their regulatory and compliance needs as they move toward product registration.

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A rapidly growing pharmaceutical company was looking to improve their document control process. With operations across North America, they handled a high volume of files, including sales orders, delivery orders, and invoices. Their current system involved printing and filing documents, which was becoming inefficient.

The company sought a solution to file documents electronically and use metadata tags for cross-referencing related POs and invoices. They also wanted to integrate with their existing SAP system to eliminate paper, implement zonal scanning, and store important emails.

After reviewing various options, they found that Document Locator met all their requirements. They also appreciate the user-friendly interface, which minimizes the learning curve for their staff.

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A leading biotech manufacturer faced challenges managing HR files as the company rapidly expanded. With employee numbers increasing, their HR team was overwhelmed by paper-based processes. Important documents, such as employee records, policy acknowledgments, and performance appraisals, were stored in filing cabinets, making retrieval time-consuming and inefficient.

The company’s HR team sought a more efficient solution to streamline file management and found that Document Locator fit their needs. They wanted to transition from paper to a digital system that would simplify filing and retrieval, while also integrating some existing files from their payroll and on-boarding systems.

After reviewing Document Locator’s ease of use, the company quickly decided to implement it for HR file management. With plans to expand access across their workforce for document reading and acknowledgment, the new system helps to support their growing operations and improve overall efficiency in managing HR records.

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A manufacturer of medical products needed a more efficient way to manage their files across multiple departments and locations. They were struggling with scattered document control processes. Some departments used filing cabinets, others relied on shared drives, and older files were stored in boxes.

Their ERP system generated numerous files, but the main concern were the marketing files and work instructions. The manufacturing team needed a solution to streamline the authoring, reviewing, and approval of these documents, which were being emailed back and forth. They also wanted to centralize their document control system to eliminate the mix of tools used across different departments.

By implementing Document Locator, they were able to organize and automate their processes, including scanning and filing documents with OCR, ensuring documents like packing slips and customer orders were easily grouped and accessible. This solution allows them to centralize their document handling and improve efficiency across the company.

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An industrial manufacturer needed a more efficient way to manage their documents for quality control and compliance. The company handles a large volume of schematics, drawings, ISO documentation, and corrective action reports. Their system of storing documents across shared drives and different systems led to inconsistencies, making it difficult to ensure proper version control and compliance with ISO standards.

To address these challenges, the company sought a document control solution that would centralize all their files, ensuring that everything was securely stored and easily accessible. They needed a system that could enforce consistent naming conventions, manage corrective action processes, and track policies and procedures across all their locations. With thousands of files to organize, their goal was to have a single, consolidated system that would streamline access, improve compliance, and ensure that their quality processes were fully supported.

After reviewing their options, they implemented Document Locator, which allows them to organize their corrective action reports, standard operating procedures (SOPs), and ISO documents into a unified, searchable system. This helps reduce the administrative burden on their quality team, improves document retrieval times, and ensures compliance with industry standards across all their facilities.

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